Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

Santa Fe Whole Basement Dehumidifiers Reviews

Santa Fe Whole Basement Dehumidifiers

  • Best dehumidifier in its class for effective baement dehumidification
  • Moisture removal up to 106 pts/day for home/office up to 2500 sq. ft
  • Energy efficient EPA Energy Star rated portable dehumidifier prevents mold growth mildew, dust mites
  • Automatic anti frost sensor prevents frost build up on internal coils
  • Warrantied for 1 full year, plus 5 years on compressor, evaporator, and condenser

We recommend this basement dehumidifier for anyone who has a large area to dehumidify. Good for unfinished or basements, storage areas, or a small warehouse with wet conditions. These dehumidifiers are very energy efficient, and Energy Star rated by

Rating: (out of 1 reviews)

Price: $ 1,293.92

Question by drdave: How well do dehumidifiers work? Should I substitute a dehumidifer for my AC this summer in NYC?

Window space is valuable in small nyc apartments. Looking for a way to avoid AC.

Best answer:

Answer by eliza
A dehumidifier will help you feel less clammy and sweaty, but I don’t think it’d make a complete substitution. Air conditioners also dehumidify the air.

They have new air conditioners that only use a small port that vents to outside, and don’t require window installation. These are not cheap, but if you value your window space, it’d be a neat thing to have.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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