Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

Santa Fe Advance Energy Star Low Temp Basement Dehumidifier Reviews

Santa Fe Advance Energy Star Low Temp Basement Dehumidifier

  • The best crawl space or basement dehumidifier in its class
  • Energy efficient EPA Energy Star rated and portable
  • Effective in large basement and crawl spaces, moderately damp to extremely wet
  • Adds hundreds of useable feet for basement storage and protects stored valuables from water damage
  • Removes up to 90 pints of water per day in up to 2,220 sq. ft.

Dehumidifiers for the whole basement or crawl space, helps control mold and mildew allergies, mold and mildew odor removal, indoor relative humidity control, air moisture removal, moisture damage prevention, the Santa Fe Advance dehumidifier can cove

Rating: (out of 4 reviews)

Price: $ 1,093.89

Question by Cashe: Are dehumidifiers really helpful in cooling houses and lowering electric bills?

We have a townhouse, (2 floors of living space and a basement) in NYC and use only window a/c. Would a dehumidifier help? I know that reducing the humidity will help the air feel cooler, but will the cost of running the unit outweigh the benefits?

Best answer:

Answer by bugear001
If you are comfortable with just the window units, I would not use a de-humidifier. The window units should do a fairly good job with the humidity. Running the de-humidifier will run your electric bill up. Try using some circulating fans. I keep my thermostat on 80 and use ceiling fans. Works great for me.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

GE ADER40LN White Dehumidifier

GE ADER40LN White Dehumidifier – ADER40. 40 Dehumidification Pints Per Day. R-410A Refrigerant. Electronic Controls. Low Temperature Operation. Front Condensate Bucket With Water Level Indicator. Automatic Shut-Off System When Bucket Fills. Washable

Rating: (out of 1 reviews)

Price: $ 189.97

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