Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010

Danby Silhouette Low Temp Dehumidifier - 58 Pint Model DA DE 5806 Reviews

Danby Silhouette Low Temp Dehumidifier – 58 Pint Model DA DE 5806

  • Removes 58 pints of water per day in a residential space or basement up to 1200 sq. ft.
  • Versatile: Energy star rated, quiet enough for a bedroom, and can operate down to 42.8°F
  • Loaded with features: front-loading bucket; direct drain option, auto-sensing humidity control
  • Auto-defrost turns off the dehumidifier and de-ices the internal coils when temp gets too low
  • Extremely portable unit has easy grip handles and comes complete with 4 casters

Danby Silhouette Dehumidifiers are among the quietest dehumidifiers and they are value-priced! The Danby covers up to 1200 sq. ft. and can be used in a variety of residential settings including bedrooms, offices and basements. Basements in cold clima

Rating: (out of 3 reviews)


Question by rue: Know about Dehumidifiers for the Home?

We rent an older home (early 60′s) and it is sealed tight, new windows, no drafts but no ventilation either. We live in the Pacific Nor’west and have to fight the mold as well as the incessant rain which is so famous here. Whats the best way to go?

Best answer:

Answer by Snipper
They work,but you have to get rid of the water easy as possible,best to attatch a hose to a drain.How big is the house? You may need 2 or 3???

Add your own answer in the comments!

Eva-dry E-333 Mini Dehumidifier – Removes Moisture

The Eva-Dry Mini Dehumidifier E-333 is designed to adsorb moisture from small enclosed areas. This dehumidifier needs no power, just hang the Eva-Dry unit in a closet and it will start to adsorb moisture. There is an indicator window with special moi

Rating: (out of 1 reviews)

Price: $ 24.99

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