Model 365 Mini Dehumidifier
Model 365 Mini Dehumidifier
Compact. Attracts and holds moisture through water crystal technology. Protects gun safes and cabinets for up to 60 days before recharging is necessary. Self-contained unit requires no wiring or extentio
Rating: (out of 3 reviews)
List Price: $ 24.99
Price: $ 24.99
Question by Spoon: How effective are dehumidifiers at preventing dust mite?
Have a bit of a problem with dust mite allergies in my new accommodation. Would buying a dehumidifier provide a noticeable improvement?
Also hoe about an air purifier, HEPA seems to be the most likely candidate?
Best answer:
Answer by clock
Hi Spoon,
By asking this question you would have saved yourself money and feeling foolish. People would not believe you if you told them that you bought a dehumidifier to reduce the dust mite.
The dust mite lives in you bedding most frequently. It is also found on sofa sets, carpets and arm chairs.
If you want to reduce the dust mite you need to wash your bedding frequently, use a plastic mattress cover, cover your sofa sets with plastic etc.
A dehumidifier will not reduce or prevent the dust mite. It will make the air that you breathe less humid.
I hope you have not bought a dehumidifier to prevent dust mite. The dust mite which causes
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
LG 65 Pint Portable Dehumidifier
The LG 65 Pint Dehumidifier (LD650EAL) efficiently removes up to 65 pints of moisture a day. It is adequately equipped to handle large sized living areas. Featuring a wide variety of both useful and practical features, the LG dehumidifier includes a
Rating: (out of 8 reviews)
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